Monday, September 21, 2015

Rose McGowan's new video & short film Dawn

File under: I LOVE THIS SONG & VIDEO! 

Rose McGowan has just released a beautiful artistic video for her song RM486 for which she teamed up with director Jonas Åkerlund and B. Åkerlund styled the video.

During my hiatus Rose McGowan directed a short film called Dawn and posted it on youtube for all to view free of charge. Here it is:

And here are McGowan's words about the film:

"Dear viewer, Dawn is a cautionary tale. We hurt girls with casual negligence. We change the course of lives with a stereotypical view shared thoughtlessly. We shape the minds of the innocent. Let's think different and be better. My inspirations were varied - I wanted the color palette of The Parent Trap (1961) the loneliness of an Edward Hopper painting, the driving tension of Night of the Hunter mixed with Hemingway's unsparing style of editing. These greats are my teachers. I layered a lot into Dawn and feel it's best watched twice. Please enjoy for free and pass it on. THOUGHT+ART = FREEDOM 
Peace, Rose McGowan

I am a huge fan of Night of the Hunter and am shocked and thrilled to see it mentioned as a main influence. Due to personal circumstances I have to take a pass on viewing this film at this point in my life, but will be certain to get back to it at a less "triggering" time.

But no seriously, Rose McGowan is kicking ass.

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