Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Trent Harris Rubin and Ed Spinoff

Director Trent Harris Continues Cult Classic Rubin and Ed With New Work Echo People

 In case you've not seen Rubin and Ed, it contains one of my all time favorite film quotes, "My cat can eat a whole watermelon."  It stars Howard Hesseman, Crispin Glover and even features the infamous Karen Black. Harris has done two of my favorite films, Rubin and Ed and Beaver Trilogy. Look for clips on youtube and buy the DVDs on his website.

Echo People Episode One

According to director Trent Harris Echo People episode 2 is about a blabbermouth with a speech impediment who loves frogs.  She is sent on a top-secret mission by Mr. Moose.  Her partner on the job is a timid brain surgeon who has no idea what he is doing...ever.  They find some suspicious rubber ants and argue a lot about what a Wagamamis really is.  And there is some stuff about Mars and in this episode we finally find out the true meaning of The PPR!

Trent Harris intends to create more episodes of Echo People to create a whole. I'm thinking of it as his version of the recent David Lynch Twin Peaks reboot. Support him if you can.
Help Mr. Harris Continue His Work Here.

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