Monday, December 29, 2008

The Social Registry (Record Label)

Free 2008 Mix Tape and a bonus:

"This year just *flew* by did it not? On a macro scale, we threw a couple
great SXSW events, moved offices, bought a label touring van nick-named
"Roja", partnered up with new fashion label AHAHA for a bunch of craziness,
did some solid live music podcasting, held down CMJ.....

We would of course add that TSR released some great records by some
fantastic bands but we are a little biased. Just in case you don't believe
us, we thought it would be good to recap some of the great times we had this
year. To soundtrack it we've included links to two mix-tapes, the first one
plays as a survey of our 2008 release schedule while the bonus-mix tape
collects a lot of the unreleased stuff we, um, 'leaked' this
tracks, remixes, things of that ilk."

Link To Our 2008 Mix Tape:

Link To Bonus Mix Tape:

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